TV Filter

Years ago television was innocent entertainment. Young watchers and parents alike were protected from inappropriate language and programming. The words ‘censored’ appeared across the screen and we were saved. We watched shows that resolved family issues by presenting the plot in a light, positive, witty, yet dignified manner. They were programs we could sit down and watch together. It was family television at its best! Parents had no worries about an unexpected shock that sent your jaw dropping. In retrospect we know we were being spared the negative element. And I am grateful for it, as I know many of my peers are as well. I believe stations were afraid to lose their viewers by airing something obscene. So, for the most part, one could depend on unobtrusive shows that were still enticing.

We’ve come a long way from those days. Prime-Time doesn’t display the quality programming that allow children the calm and focus of the old days. Few channels continue to honor allegiance to its public by offering clean, inspirational, productive, yet anxiously entertaining television shows. It appears that the need for many TV stations to compete was more compelling than their desire to provide crystal clean programming; programs that could inevitably bring family together, opening doors to communicate with each other and allowing an outlet for all the days stresses.


But now, of course, we must be vigilant. TV programs must be evaluated before they become a staple in the home. It’s the adage, “Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you’re going to get”. So, watch out! Because we know that children are impacted by what they see and hear (especially without grounding), we must become the ‘TV filter’. Just as we would not allow physical danger to come to our children, so to should we protect them from psychological danger. And, if we’re not sure of the resulting impact of a TV show ‘dis it’. Your judgment is important and will ultimately play a role in how well your child adjusts to life.

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