The Family Meeting

“I can’t believe how fast time flies”. And it’s true! Remember 2013? It went so fast it’s almost impossible to think of specific events that occurred. Now go back to 2012! Unbelievable isn’t it? Recalling a specific event is just down-right difficult. Now, think how hard it must be for children to recall the past. That’s why it’s so important to create the activities that will keep the family close and connected – especially family gatherings. A simple yet engaging event might be the ‘family meeting’. untitled (29) We probably spend more time at home than anywhere else. We choose to be home when the weather is bad or when our pocketbooks prevent a family outing. Using the family meeting as a way to engage family connections during these at-home or down-times is the perfect solution. The family meeting is free; only requiring a little of everybody’s time and creativity. It’s a great alternative, because it also allows for that special connection and provides a family activity when everyone thinks there is nothing to do.

You can choose to conduct it anyway that is comfortable for you, but having an agenda keeps everything organized. You might begin with a brief opening prayer, statement, or song you all love. Then, continue with issues that are important to you or the family: 1- household rules, 2- weekly chores and who is responsible for them, 3- opportunities for complaints and how to resolve them, 4- upcoming family activities (that might even include entertainment from family members during comedy hours, plays, in-house American Idol, or anything you can think of that keeps it interesting and fun), 5- an award ceremony that rewards awesome effort, great behavior, or helping hands as a way to recognize their special deeds. Its all about keeping everyone connected, happy, and well adjusted. untitled (27) There are so many ways to bring the family together. The family meeting is just one of them. A weekly meeting scheduled during down-time is a way to fill the space with something constructive, giving everyone something to look forward to. It’s another opportunity to enable that family connection and bond, that will inevitably create those memorable moments. Moments that will be easily recalled as time makes its mark on all of us.

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