The Reprisal

We are all subject to time. We know that one day our life will be over. And as we reach that omega we inevitably think about our life accomplishments. If we are parents we also think about our children and the life lessons we have imparted to them. Did we discipline appropriately? Did we prepare them adequately for life and its adventures? Did we teach them to exist and interact positively in a world peppered with other life sources? Did we provide them with the skills necessary to survive their journey?

It is profound to think about the overwhelming responsibilities we endure throughout the parenting task. Yet, we are assuaged to realize we will get through it, though the job is an immense one. But, we second guess ourselves as our children progress to adulthood and we observe their interaction with society. They will absorb our teachings and ultimately give back to society what we have given them. Some will use what we have taught and fulfill great accomplishments. Some will overcome their parents’ blunders and become productive members of society. Some will cheat themselves of life by enduring the consequences of their own poor decisions. And some will become leaders of men.

Our own learned and instinctive behaviors will illuminate the importance of our task. We are products of what we endure as children and how we as individuals process our experiences to become who we are. The same is absolute for our own children. Our early bonding, love, affection, and guidance are extremely critical and will prepare them to live amicably among men in their unpredictable future. They are catalysts to world balance and peace.

Think for a moment of the brand new baby who is born with a clean slate. From the moment they enter life they are learning. They must be taught everything from language to appropriate social behaviors and everything in between. As guardians of new life we have been entrusted with this task. It is an unwritten contract we must honor. It’s a task that should never be taken lightly.

We should care if our future society is prepared enough to carry on beyond us and pass on what they have learned to the next generation. The question then arises, ‘What kind of world do we really want?’ – peace for all peoples across the universe or a menacing virus of hate that ultimately consumes us? In our own back yard the perception is minimal and we feel assured we have done our part. But, in our present world, we see the universal dimensions of hate and how far the reach of indifference to life has spread.

Too many people have ignored the influence and impact one person, void of love and filled with seeds of unresolved issues, can have on many. It is almost immediate that we see their discontent with the world around them. Their bitterness consumes them and they have no remorse for their depraved behaviors. Each of us is aware of the signs that evolve. Yet, we overlook them, allow them to fester, and wait to observe the devastation they impose on society.

We can see it in so many places around the world. The hate is so intense that it has cauterized us and will inevitably submerge and sustain us in fear. If our will and desire for peace is stronger than this, then our duty to alter our path is dire and immeasurable. Our choices are none, if we propose to allow life to carry on. We must cherish the role of guardian and understand where the journey begins.

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